WPPI / 07 / Vegas Baby
WPPI what a week meeting new friends and seeing old ones .Started at the airport meeting up with UncleMike and Rosanna picking us up.Then the party started.... Speaking for APPLE .Me and the Great George Wang from LA-VIE .A shot I got during the shoot-off of Rosanna modeling.A shot of me with "BIG H " this is the brains behind Bludomain . Him and his team are the best ... so glad we finally met love you guys.Who's famous foot is this win a prize. Me UncleMike and the man from down under the famous Yervant.
I got this photo from Kevin Meyers I love this guy this is unclemike kev and I at the airport on thursday when we were all leaving WPPI it was a bit sad but we will stay in major touch I have a "Big wedding" coming up in june here in miami florida and maybe if we time it right kev and I can hook up for the wedding it's taking place on Fisher Island a super nice place .
Great photographers and new friends at the show.
Our room not my bed UncleMikes bed Ha....Speacial thanks to Michael and his wife Anna Costa and friends for having a great party.
Oh Man! I missed you guys SO much. Glad to see you had a blast in Vegas. Hope to see you soon.
What a week huh uncleray?? I couldn't have done it without you! Wish Terry was there with us! That looks like Becker's foot. I'm loving being home with my family, but can't help kinda wanting to do it all over again. 3 hours of sleep a night, losing my voice, a zillion trade show booths by day and a zillion parties by night. See ya in NYC! Faster!!
UncleMike I had a great week at WPPI/Vegas .Can't wait for the "BIG APPLE" ,You me and lots of models in NYC im gonna here lots of clicking away from our NIKON cameras. / TO BE Continued....
Sorry its not [b]'s foot unclemike....
Hey Ray, great meeting you. We'll have to hang soon again...if it works out for you, I'll hop over to Miami from Orlando in June. I'll have my pics up soon!
Great stuff here, Ray!
Thanks for the shout-out, but there should be an "a" at the end of my name, silly boy.
I hope to hang out again soon!
And remember, if you need a second shooter sometime when Uncle Mike and Terry aren't available, you'll know who to call!
xo daria
It was great meeting you Ray! Looks like you all had a great time too! I am still recovering and trying to catch up on sleep :-)
Just how good was that steak!!!!!!
I hope my friends at “Le Artistes Steakhouse” treated you right….
hehe....awwww, i miss you already!!! when can I come see you?
how was your flight home?
love love!
Ray NYC !!! ?? Models shoots, Niknon images are you heading for sponsership !. Kev K now owns the 200f2 and the 300f2.8 so that leaves me in catch up mode.
Good luck in NYC, I am there myself soon I still owe you a meal for the help and advice in miami so you call it in sometime right.
A pal, Tony
Ray!! I'm glad to hear you made it home safe. Damn, what a great time. Can't wait to hang out again.
BTW, I have to cast my vote...is that Harold's foot?
T good to hear from you missed you at Vegas dude,by the way i have not used my 300 2.8 in a long time lately of the big lenes my 200 2.0 the sweeeetest lens out there.... Britt miss you so nice Ferrari dude.Miss all you guys....
Ray!!! Hope you're having fun in NYC with Mike...capture some killer shots! :)
Can't wait to meet up again...I had a FUN time in Vegas with y'all!
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