The Story Behind...
I've been asked several times "So Ray, what's the story behind goodtimes?" Just yesterday Dawn Davis asked me the same question. So, I decided to post this blog, mostly because it's just a great story (at least to my wife and me it is). Here it goes... As most of you know my wife is a teacher. She is always coming home and sharing funny stories about the kids. These stories are always much more amusing to her than they are to me. Well, all except the stories about Justin. About 4 or 5 years ago she had a student named Justin. I loved hearing about that kids wild antics. The things he would say were just so witty for a 7 year old! So one day my wife tells me that Justin topped himself with the story he had told her that day. He said " Mrs. Santana I'm really tired today." And my wife in her maternal concern , asked him, "why", thinking maybe he had a nightmare or something of the sort. He said "actually Mrs. Santana, my big brother was sleeping in my bed and he pissed all over me." Now here comes the the end of that matter of fact statement, he shook his head, drew in a long breath, and said...goodtimes. So ever since then my wife and I pepper everyday sentences with gooodtimes. Here are a few: The dog has diarrhea...goodtimes... That was a great dinner...goodtimes. Well you guys get the picture. Oh, and if you are wondering why I spell it the way I do, well that's the way Justin would write it on his notes to my wife because he knew the phrase amused her. The phrase just spilled over into my writing when I started to blog. Justin will never really know how he infused humor in our lives...goodtimes
Rock on Ray and Anna!!! What a cute story. Now, it will be infused into my daily life. Goodtimes! LOL...!
And because of that, I can't stop saying it! goodtimes!
Oh man, I'll never think of "goodtimes" the same again, haha! Great story guys!
Seriously one of the funniest things I've ever heard! I can totally picture Anna saying that! What a story...
That's too funny! Sounds like a scene out of a movie...goodtimes, big sigh. LOL, thanks Ray!
Great story Ray, thanks for sharing, my wife teaches 3rd grade, and some of the stories she tells me are crazy funny. Goodtimes!!!
Thanks for sharing that story Ray. That should be the name of a photography studio. Goodtimes - indeed.
priceless = goodtimes!
lol! hilarious story- teachers have the funniest stories...
I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that story!
There are not words... that is freaking awesome!! I am going to be laughing about that for a long time. Thanks for enlighting us! Goodstuff.
love the story ray!
funny kid.
That's absolutely hilarious!! Thanks for sharing man.
That's funny! I can totally see that happening. Take Care Ray and GOODTIMES!
Maybe I'm just totally delirious ... but honestly, I'm cracking up and can't stop ...even as I write this ... maybe because my husband has a similar experience as Justin and I remember him telling it to me and being horrified ... thinking ... what kind of man did I marry ... is he scarred for life? When he comes home I will tell him this story and I'm sure ... goodtimes has now become one of those phrases that "just hits the mark" ohhhh sooo well.
Thanks for the laughter this afternoon!
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